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Saturday, 13 August 2022

હાર્ટ એટેકના લક્ષણો જાણી ને સાવચેત બનો

Yoga Asanas to Help Reduce Gastric Problems 

How yoga benefits gastric-affiliated health issues? 


Ayurveda and Yoga are believed to be sistersciences.However, it can affect in a maximum impact on your health appreciatively, If followed together. According to Ayurveda, all our health issues are due to an imbalance between the three rudiments or Doshas. When these three Doshas, i.e., Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha, are in balance, you're impeccably healthy. But an imbalance or excess of either of them can have numerous health issues. 


હાર્ટ એટેકના લક્ષણો શું છે?

The most primary symptom of a heart attack is chest pain which is called angina pain. It starts to feel like a pressure, heaviness or tightness. Which is not only on the left side but also in the middle or on the right side. This pain goes towards the upper part of the abdomen, sometimes it goes towards the left arm or shoulder, sometimes there may be pain in the jaw or even in the tooth.

હાર્ટ એટેકના લક્ષણો જાણવા જુઓ ગુંજ ઠક્કર નો આ વીડિયો


This pain increases with walking or exertion, it subsides with little rest.

Shortness of breath and sweating.

Some people get the feeling of having gas.

So these are all symptoms of heart attack.

ગુંજ ઠક્કરનો વીડિયો જોવા અહીં કલીક કરો

In one practice it has been seen that people who complain about having gas, they complain about the actual heart. Therefore, when this problem occurs, you do not have to ignore it and contact your doctor immediately.


Yoga Asanas for Gastric Affiliated Problems 


1 Pawanmuktasana 


Pawanmuktasana, also known as the wind release disguise or the gas release disguise. 

Pawanmuktasana, as the name suggests, obtain itself from two words “ Pawan ”, meaning wind or gas, and “ Mukta ”, meaning release or relief. This asana support by releasing the gas in our stomach. Gas frequently occurs due to food indigestion. And indigestion causes a lot of problems, further than stomach discomfort like migraine, common pain,etc. 


What are the benefits? 


It helps in getting relieve of the gas formed due to indigestion 

It works on the muscles of the reverse, biceps, triceps, and hips 


How to do it? 

First, lie down supine on a mat. Stretch your arms, legs, and take a many breaths. This is the original disguise. The asana is named Savasana 

contemporaneously raise your head to bring it close to the knees 

Hold on to this station for a many seconds and also release 


2 Balasana 


This yoga is too known as Garbhasana and Shashankasana. Balasana means child’s disguise, where “ Bala ” means child, and “ asana ” means posture. Balasana is frequently done as end yoga; this yoga focuses on proper breathing ways. The breathing should be lengthy , thin, slow, and steady. The introductory conception is you need to exhale while flexing and gobble while stretching. 


What are its benefits? 


It relieves fatigue, anxiety, and stress 

Improves digestion 

It cures back pain 


How to do it? 


Flex your knees and sit down on your heels in a kneeling posture or Vajrasana 

Start with an exhale. Stretch out your hands into the air, perpendicularly at the position of your shoulder 

Flex at your hips and start bending forward so that your forepart touches the bottom 


3 Paschimottanasana 


Paschimottanasana, also known as the seated forward bend disguise, is one of the introductory asanas done while sitting. And is one of the introductory yoga acts. As the name hints, this asana substantially focuses on the mobility of the hipsterism joint by flexing it. 


What are the benefits? 


As the body is stretched forward, there's increased pressure on the digestive organs. This Improves digestion and hence benefits gastric-affiliated health issues 

It has proved salutary for cases with diabetes and liver problems 


How to do it? 


Sit down over a mat, with your legs extend out 

With an inhale, raise your arms overhead your head so that it points out towards the ceiling 

With an exhale. Bend forwards, flexing at your hips from the lower reverse. So that your hands near to your bases and casket close to your knees 


4 Supta Matsyendrasana 


The word Supta Matsyendrasana has its roots in Sanskrit, where the word “ Supta ” means to slope, “ Matsya ” means fish, and “ Endra ” refers to Lord Indra. Hence, the word “ Matsyendrasana ” inclusively means Lord of the fishes ’ pose. This asana is a change form of Ardha Matsyendrasana, which is done in a sitting position. Supta Matsyendrasa substantially focuses on your chine and tummy by twisting them. Hence, numerous people also use the term twisted chine disguise to relate to it. 


What are the benefits? 


Improves the inflexibility of the chine and gives it a proper shape 

Improves digestion and cures gastric problems 

It exercises your internal organs 


How to do it? 


taradiddle down supine over a mat on your reverse 

contemporaneously, stretch your neck to the contrary side so that your head faces the left 

Hold on for a many seconds and get back to the original disguise 

reprise the same with your contrary legs 

Inhale, come to the center and exhale, change to the contrary side, and hold with normal breathing 


5 Ananda Balasana 


Ananda Balasana is a modified interpretation of Balasana. Also known as the happy baby disguise as the name suggests, where “ Ananda ” means content and “ Bala ” means baby. Some also relate to it as the dead bug disguise, as the asana resembles a happy baby or a dead bug. But the comfortable baby disguise is more accepted because of an auspicious approach. Ananda Balasana is frequently done as warm-up yoga to prepare oneself before doing further violent yoga asanas. 


What are the benefits? 


Stretches the muscles of hips, shanks( like hamstrings), biceps, triceps 

Improves heart rate 

Improves digestion and cures gastric problems 


How to do it? 


taradiddle down on your reverse, supine over a mat 

With an exhale, bend your knees close to your casket 

Try holding your bases ’ thumb with your separate hands 

Inhale while setting yourself loose to get back to the original station 


6 Halasana 


Halasana is made up of two Sanskrit words, i.e., “ Hala ”, meaning plough( a husbandry tool used extensively by growers in India to prepare the soil before sowing seeds), and “ asana ”, meaning disguise. Hence, this is also appertained to as the plough disguise. Like the plough is used to dig into the deeper layers of the soil, this yoga also lets you claw deeper into your mind and attain peace. This is grueling yoga, and you might take some time to master it. To master this asana, you first need to master your breathing fashion and have good inflexibility. 


What are the benefits? 

Improves inflexibility and strengthens muscles of your reverse, hamstrings, neck, etc 

This helps in weight loss 


How to do it? 


taradiddle down on your reverse, supine over a mat. Keep your win flat on the ground 

With an inhale, press the ground with your win and raise your legs against graveness

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