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Monday, 30 November 2020

Kisan Credit Card(KCC)Yojana

Kisan Credit Card(KCC)Yojana

SMAC Cloud is a free cloud storage app which allows sales and marketing teams to organize, distribute and share their content, from anywhere, anytime, on any device on-the-go.

With SMAC Cloud On-Premises Service you can take advantage of the flexibility and scalability benefits of the cloud with the security and control of your onsite location.

Salespeople can learn, present and share the content that matters, and stand out from the competition with unique marketing experience.

SMAC Cloud - Cloud Storage for Android features:
•Discover, present and share all of your sales materials – even when offline
•Get a notification when a file is uploaded by your superior
•Central team folder and all your employees have access to it
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•Offer one-click sign-in via Facebook or Gmail

•Multiple File Uploads, Just Tap & Hold
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•Comment on files to share feedback with your team
•Marketers can share their most effective content with sales team through new wonderful, immersive environments.
•Make it easy for sales representatives to find, present and share the most important marketing materials in each situation

•Assure content in the field is constantly up-to-date and on brand
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 ||Visit Official Website

•Create Channels to make the perfect presentation straight from the app.

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Free Sewing Machine scheme by Gujarat State government

Free Sewing Machine scheme by Gujarat State government

Free Sewing Machine Plan in Gujarat
State government if Gujarat has propelled another government assistance conspire for the individuals of Gujarat. This plan is known as the Free Sewing Machine Plan Gujarat. As the name recommends, in this plan individuals of State will get a sewing machine for nothing. The plan is fundamentally for ladies of the State. Be that as it may, a few men are likewise qualified for this plan. This plan is likewise known by the name of Free Silai Machine Yojana.

How to Apply for Mafat Silai Machine Online Registration Process
First official website:
To register on e-cottage portal, click on “ User / New Society Sakhi Mandal / Industrial Cooperative, Society / NGO Registration / Khadi Organization Click Here”.

This plan has been propelled under the Sathiyavani Muthu Ammaiyar Ninaivu Plan. The plan has been propelled by the focal government the nation over. The usage of this plan is been conveyed by the State government also. The plan intends to give independent work to the individuals of the State. Those individuals who have ability of sewing can take profit by this plan. By getting a free sewing machine individuals can begin their little sewing business.Free Sewing Machine Plan in Gujarat

The Michigan State College Leading group of Trustees affirmed the spending advancement rules for the 2020-21 financial year, which starts July 1.

The rules incorporate a general decrease of roughly $52.6 million from the 2019-20 financial year. The college is anticipating monetary difficulties because of the novel coronavirus pandemic including lower enlistment levels and less state appointments.

"The effects of the pandemic are phenomenal on an individual, network and cultural level. From the death toll to the loss of employments to the vulnerability of things to come — there is no conditioning the trouble of the circumstance," said MSU President Samuel L. Stanley Jr., M.D. "Yet, MSU is committed to conveying on its center strategic a comprehensive network with solid scholastic orders and a human sciences establishment. We will keep giving a world-class training, leading high-bore research and propelling effort and commitment locally and all around."


The college has organized a few recently declared cost decreases remembered for the financial plan. A couple of territories will see increments. Customary understudy money related guide will increment by 4% as will the compensation extend for understudy representatives. 

ઓફિશિયલ વેબસાઇટઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
યોજનાની સંપૂર્ણ માહિતીઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
ઑનલાઇન અરજી કરવાઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
ઑનલાઇનનો સ્ટેટ્સ જોવા માટેઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
જિલ્લા ઉદ્યોગ કેન્દ્રનાસરનામાઅને ટેલિફોન નંબર ની યાદીઅહીં ક્લિક કરો

Free Sewing Machine Scheme 2023

Application for assistance in human welfare scheme must be made online. (2) along with the application will also have to be uploaded online. Incomplete application will be filed.

ઓન લાઈન એપ્લિકેશન કરવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Details regarding getting assistance in Manav Kalyan Yojana are given
at After thorough study, the applicant will have to apply online. Also special information will be available from the office of the District Industry Center of the district.

સંપર્ક માટે જિલ્લા ઉધોગ કેન્દ્ર ની યાદી માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Likewise, the college will commit $4 million for activities concentrated on scholastic seriousness just as data innovation ventures including research figuring and grounds and study hall Wi-Fi enhancements.


Application Form


Maryland is a Mid-Atlantic express that is characterized by its plentiful conduits and coastlines on the Chesapeake Cove and Atlantic Sea. Its biggest city, Baltimore, has a long history as a significant seaport. Post McHenry, origin of the U.S. national song of devotion, sits at the mouth of Baltimore's Internal Harbor, home to the National Aquarium and Maryland Science Center

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  The matter of not dismissing the changed teachers afterwards.  Regarding the above subject, it is to be mentioned that the Election Commission of India has instructed to transfer the staff officer attached to the electoral roll in a special case only with the prior permission of the District Election Officer and the Collector.  

B.L.O.  As most primary teachers do.  So that there may be disruption in the program from 15/12/2050 as it is the day of special campaign of Voter List Special Brief Reform Program-2021, so it is requested that the transferred teachers should not be dismissed till 15/01/2021.  

Deputy District Idol Officer: Bhuj Scanned with CamScanner

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Useful circular dated regarding student / teacher standard setup in primary schools

Useful circular dated regarding student / teacher standard setup in primary schools

 Useful circular dated  regarding student / teacher standard setup in primary schools

1, Instructions on setup The teacher establishment should be calculated as given below considering the number of students for Std. 1 to 5 and Std. 6 to 8.  Rank for standard 1 to 5 Number of students Number of teachers 1 60 students 2 2 61 to 90 students 13 91 to 120 students 4.  120 to 200 students 5.  S

above 200 (Teacher-Teacher Ratio 1: Ratio per 40 students one teacher) 40 3 Rank Details for Std. 6th to 8th Number of Teachers 1 |  For Std. 6 to 8 only there is at least 3 2 Std. 6 and 7 where there is at least 2 3 Std. 6 where (up to  number) there is at least 1 for every 35 students in each standard at least 1 2.  3.  For 

◼️ *૨૦૨૧ની જાહેર રજાઓ નું લિસ્ટ જાહેર.*

Std. 1 to 5 (Primary) and Std. 6 to 8 (Upper Primary) department, the number of teachers to be met, sanctioned establishment and working teachers will have to be calculated. 

 The department in which the teachers work has to be considered as a teacher working in that department.  

Click here to read 1 to 5

Click here to read 6 to 8

For the purpose of setup, it will be considered as a full school space until the teacher under transfer is dismissed.  4,

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post office, 200 rupees for depositing Rs 200 will get 21 lakh rupees

post office, 200 rupees for depositing Rs 200 will get 21 lakh rupees

post office, 200 rupees for depositing Rs 200 will get 21 lakh rupees

In today’s world, everyone is anxious about saving money and many schemes are available to make money from the market. But today we will tell you about a post office scheme in which you will become Lakhpat in few years when you open the account and you will not need too much money in it. You only have to save 200 rupees in it.

In a few years, a fund of 21 lakh will become

Let us tell you that you can easily save up to 200 rupees from everyday expenses and by doing small savings, you can fulfill your needs in the future. The public provident fund account of the post office is the best option for saving in today’s time. You have to save 200 rupees per day on this account. If you can do it every day, then you can become a fund of Rs 21 lakh on a closing basis.

This account can be opened anywhere

You can open this post office office in any of the branches of the country. Not only that, you can open more than one account if you wish. Apart from this, two people can also operate this account together.

This will get 21 lakh rupees

Let me tell you that if you are 25 years old then you save only 200 rupees from your expenses, then after 15 years, you will get around 21 lakhs support from this savings.

How to become a fund?

Let me tell you that if you are thinking of investing only by saving this scheme, you save only 200 rupees per day, then the month will be 6000. The investment of the year will be Rs. 72000.

If you do this for 15 years, your investment will be 10.80 lakh rupees.

With that, the PPF now joins your money in the interest of the compounding of 8 fisadi year composition. And if you get interest at this rate for 15 years then the total return will be 21 lakh rupees.

That is, you will have an additional benefit of Rs 10.31 lakh as interest on your total investment.

You can open the account in a hundred rupees

 ClickHere for gujarati

Let me tell you that you can open this account in 100 rupees. It needs to invest at least 500 rupees a year. With this, you can invest up to Rs 1.5 lakh in one year in this account. You can also open a joint account in it. You can also open this account on your child’s name as well. However, there is no facility of pre-match with them.

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The second phase of loyalty training of 18 courses from 1st December was also done for teachers.  A circular stating that all BRC-CRC co-ordinators will be required to participate in the training, which will be held from October 3 to November 6, was attended by teachers in the state.  Which is done.  Following the launch of this training Nishtha on Diksha course, now in the second phase in the month of December, following the block resource, 21 co-ordinators (BRCs) and cluster resource on the Diksha platform will be re-launched for the period of December (co-ordination).  It has also been decided to have this training for CRC).  Which teachers will come first.  BRC - CRC Coordinators are to join this course through the platform to know that initiation has been made mandatory.  Which will be in the first phase from October 2 to November 3.  This training of 12 courses has been conducted for the more clear teachers of all the modules of loyalty. With the intention of educating the remaining teachers, the second phase of training will be started from December 1 after the byseg.  In which the teachers who have gone to the first stage get to know the second.  So that those who joined the training could not get the training for any reason, they can join the stage.  In addition, BRC - CRC will also benefit from the broadcast program.  Due to monitoring of loyalty training, they joined the phase training for some reason. The course was not given to BRC-CRC by Byseg so that they too could be aware of this training.  Such a decision has been taken.  And Ministry of Health Wellness, School Based Human Resource Development and BRC-CRC Coordinator Evaluation at Taluka level, Environmental Methodology, Conducting Monitoring of Integrity Training by National Council of Educational Research Mathematical Methodology, Social Science and Training (NCT)  Since BRC - CRC Coordinators Methodology, Methodology of Languages, Gujarat Council of Educational Research Nistha Teacher Training Courses  The 12 courses of training of various modules will be organized in a phased manner starting from December.

After applying, the candidates who were absent in 2013 were absent. In 6 posts of four cadres of Manpani, 4 candidates appeared for the examination. Out of the Rajkot candidates, 4 candidates were appearing in the examination.  While 2012 absent exams were held in different centers today.  The merit of those who passed was taken up.  Interviews were also increased if the difference between the number of absent candidates and the number of absent candidates was negligible.  Can happen.  He said that the number of absentee work assistants is 2 for mechanical, 2 for assistants is big, 1 for manager, 1 for coroner of designer civil as well as 1 candidate for insect collector elsewhere and less attendance for recruitment in these examinations.  Getting.  The exam was taken today.  Establishment sources, who took over late after the announcement, said attendance in the 30 exams was declining.  Further action will be taken by making merit of the examination

As per the announcement made by the Minister of Education, the board examination will be held in May 2021. The process of filling up the form for Std.  Following this, further preparations are being made to be held in May 2021.  Announced.  Work will be started, however, this time following the announcement of Corona. Following this announcement, the board is now Navgujarat Samay> Ahmedabad and something different.  Have to follow.  Starting in the month of January, like every year, this time the schools opened in November and the arrival of Corona is planned in the online form March-2020.  So that after the board's work of filling Std. 10 and 12 exams proved to be dangerous, so far schools in the state have to fill up online forms four months before the exam, so it is not open for a single day in January.  All forms can be filled out and then board operations cannot be started.  The schools are planning to carry out this operation not only through online education but also other activities are being carried out properly by the board from January.  Gujarat is giving only secondary and higher.  This could be located next.  The process of filling up the forms for the examination, which started in January, will continue till March every year by the Board of Secondary Education and it will start by the end of February.  The Minister of Education said that Std. 10 and Std. 12 examinations in Std. 10 months, in other standards, even after completion of my promotion work, the Board and the Board of Std. 12 examinations are taken in May, and for this examination or in any other way the children pass.  The board will be able to take it to the next level four months in advance, i.e. in November, after the announcement of the mass preparation time.  So that the board has enough time in May to fill up the online form in January.  But he will be able to take Std.  However, Corona's form-filling process will begin.  Is started.  It is impossible for the state education minister to say what will happen in the coming days due to the increasing cases of corona, which will affect the board in a matter of months.

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Mobile Aided Note Identifier by RBI for Visually Impaired

Mobile Aided Note Identifier by RBI for Visually Impaired

Mobile Aided Note Identifier by RBI for Visually Impaired

Banknotes under Mahatma Gandhi (New) series with change in the size and design were introduced in November 2016. Under this new series, banknotes in the

denominations of Rs.10, Rs.20, Rs.50, Rs.100, Rs.200 Rs.500 and Rs.2000 have since been released. The Reserve Bank of India has been sensitive to the challenges faced by the visually challenged in conducting their day to day business with Indian banknotes. This application will aid the visually impaired to identify the denomination of Indian banknotes of Mahatma Gandhi Series and Mahatma Gandhi (New) series by capturing the image of the notes placed in front of rear mobile camera. The application will generate audio and non-sonic notification intimating the currency note denomination to the user.

Disclaimer -  This mobile application is made available by the Reserve Bank of India at no cost for the guidance of the visually challenged persons in identifying the denomination of Indian Banknotes. The Reserve Bank of India nor any of its authorities nor agencies nor officers nor employees nor advisors give any warranty or make any representation, express or implied, as to the completeness or accuracy of the results given by the application, which may vary on account of difference in conditions, including but not limited to, light, soilage condition of the banknotes and interference from nearby objects. Users may exercise discretion and supplement the results of the app by checking the denomination through other ways of note identification. The Reserve Bank of India does not take any responsibility, and no claim shall lie against the Reserve Bank of India, for the results of the application and for any decisions taken by the users based on the said results. 


By downloading, accessing or using this application, you signify your assent to this disclaimer. This mobile application does not check or authenticate the genuineness of Indian Banknotes

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Important news has come for the students of standard 10 and 12.  The process of filling up the form for board examination will start after landing.  The form will be filled only 4 months before the board exam.  Attempts are being made by the education department to hold the exams on time as the Koro crisis is raging across the state. 

 The standard 10-12 board exam will be held in the month of May. 

As per the announcement made by the Minister of Education, the board examination will be held in May 2021. The process of filling up the form for Std.  Following this, further preparations are being made to be held in May 2021.  Announced.  Work will be started, however, this time following the announcement of Corona. Following this announcement, the board is now Navgujarat Samay> Ahmedabad and something different.  Have to follow.  Starting in the month of January, like every year, this time the schools opened in November and the arrival of Corona is planned in the online form March-2020.

 So that after the board's work of filling Std. 10 and 12 exams proved to be dangerous, so far schools in the state have to fill up online forms four months before the exam, so it is not open for a single day in January.  All forms can be filled out and then board operations cannot be started.  The schools are planning to carry out this operation not only through online education but also other activities are being carried out properly by the board from January.  Gujarat is giving only secondary and higher. 

 This could be located next.  The process of filling up the forms for the examination, which started in January, will continue till March every year by the Board of Secondary Education and it will start by the end of February.  The Minister of Education said that Std. 10 and Std. 12 examinations in Std. 10 months, in other standards, even after completion of my promotion work, the Board and the Board of Std. 12 examinations are taken in May, and for this examination or in any other way the children pass.  The board will be able to take it to the next level four months in advance, i.e. in November, after the announcement of the mass preparation time.  So that the board has enough time in May to fill up the online form in January.  But he will be able to take Std.  However, Corona's form-filling process will begin.  Is started.  It is impossible for the state education minister to say what will happen in the coming days due to the increasing cases of corona, which will affect the board in a matter of months.

 All examinations of Saurashtra University scheduled for December 1 have been canceled

 Changed the time of teachers in schools

 The education department is ready for the standard 10 and 12 board exams.  According to the information received, the examination form will be filled after Uttarayan and the examination will be held in the month of May.  An exercise is being conducted to ensure that the board exams are held on time.  Special efforts are being made to ensure compliance with the schedule set by the Department of Education.  The education department has already started working to ensure that there is no loss in the board exams.

 All examinations of Saurashtra University scheduled for December 1 have been canceled

 Important news has come for the students of Saurashtra University.  All the exams to be taken by Saurashtra University on December 1 have been postponed.  The decision has been taken by Saurashtra University in the wake of increasing Koro transition in Saurashtra Panth.  Importantly, Saurashtra University had more than 52,000 students to sit for the exam.  However, new dates will be announced after December 15.

Changed the time of teachers in schools

 The timing of teachers in schools has changed.  Secondary and higher secondary school teachers will be present from 7.30 am to 12 noon.  The decision will remain in force until the actual attendance of the students is approved.  Some schools had teachers present at noon.

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There will be one Talati service for every two villages. 3533 new Talati places will be created, the government has decided.

There will be one Talati service for every two villages. 3533 new Talati places will be created, the government has decided.

The state government has made efforts to provide revenue services at a time when there is a shortage of talati in the villages. 3533 new Talati posts will be created in Gujarat. The state government took this decision in principle today.

There is a dire shortage of Talatis in the state today to provide easy revenue service in 17635 gram panchayats. Today I need 7133 Talatis, while my 3600 Talatis are working. The state government has decided to set up new Talati spaces which will now have one Talati revenue service in two villages.

As there are no talatis in the villages, many panchayat oriented works have been delayed. The Talatis have also been given the responsibility of more than one village. Talati has more work to do now! New recruits will be relieved.

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Sunday, 29 November 2020

Why does the body need vitamin B12? Read complete information on Vitamin B12

Why does the body need vitamin B12? Read complete information on Vitamin B12

Why does the body need vitamin B12? Read complete information on Vitamin B12

We need many types of nutrients to keep our body healthy. At such times the body needs vitamins. B12 is also one of these vitamins. If the body is deficient in vitamin B12, it has an effect on memory. You feel like fatigue. Apart from this you also become a patient of depression. So let us first learn about the importance of Vitamin B12 in the body.

What is Vitamin B12?

 Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that keeps the body's nervous system and body's blood cells healthy. In addition, it helps build DNA. Vitamin B12 helps in recovering Megaloblestic Anemia. That anemia makes a person weak and tired.

In particular (2) two steps are required. Hydrochloric acid releases vitamin B12 from the protein in the stomach before it can be absorbed by the body through food. This is called the intrinsic factor. And it is absorbed into the body. What is Vitamin B12? That’s how it is absorbed into our bodies. Knowing that now let the child know how much vitamin B12 is needed.

To stay healthy we must always have a balanced and nutritious diet. But often a change in diet has an effect on our health. For this the body needs vitamins to function properly. Similarly, vitamin B12 is needed for the proper functioning of the brain and body.

Why the body needs vitamin B12 -

Vitamin B12 works to build and maintain the genes (DNA) found in our body. This helps in the formation of many elements of the brain, spinal cord, and veins. This is what makes the blood red blood cells in our body. It also produces different types of proteins for different organs.

Causes of Vitamin B12 -

If someone has anemia for a long time, they can get this disease.

Vegetarians are more likely to be deficient in this vitamin. This is because this vitamin is found in excess animal feed.

Deficiency of this vitamin in the body can also be genetic.

Intestinal disease can be caused by vitamin B12.

Intestinal and weight loss surgery can also cause a deficiency of vitamin B12 in your body.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 -

If the body is deficient in vitamin B12, the limbs may begin to tremble

The power of remembrance is diminished.

Swelling and sores in the tongue.

Yellowing of the skin, fatigue while walking.

Feeling of depression, fatigue, weakness.

Excessive deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body can lead to blockage of the spinal cord and paralysis.

અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ 1

અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ 2

Treatment of Vitamin B12 Deficiency -

Injections - Intramuscular injections are given to treat vitamin B12 deficiency. Depending on the amount of vitamin B12 deficiency in the patient, injections are given at one or two day intervals for one month. Booster doses are given after 3 months if needed. The patient's blood is checked from time to time and a course of injections has to be done if there is a deficiency.

Medication - If the vitamin B12 deficiency is not severe, the doctor may prescribe you a vitamin B12 pill.

Diet - Along with injections and medications, the patient should also include foods rich in vitamin B12 in their diet. A vegetarian should include dairy foods such as milk and cheese in his diet and foods that contain vitamin B12. A carnivore can include eggs, chicken, lamb and sea food in his diet.

People who are vegetarians should consume grains, soybean foods and yeast. If you are deficient in this vitamin, you should check it regularly.

People who are taking diabetes medication or other acidic medications should also take vitamin B12 levels regularly. Because every drug affects the level of vitamin B12.

નોંધ:- અમારો હેતુ આપને માત્ર સારી માહિતી આપવાનો છે, કોઇપણ ઉપચાર નિષ્ણાંત ની દેખરેખ અને આપની તાસીર મુજબ કરવો

Thus Vitamin B12 is essential for the health and balance of our body.

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The importance of ‘Vitamin-K’ in the diet for staying healthy

The importance of ‘Vitamin-K’ in the diet for staying healthy

 The importance of ‘Vitamin-K’ in the diet for staying healthy

Our body needs all kinds of nutrients. Such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc.… Every nutrient has an important function in the body in one way or another. It is also important to get adequate amounts of nutrients through food or supplements to keep the body healthy and strong.

Earlier we talked about many vitamins. Today we will talk about Vitamin-K which is essential for our body.

Vitamin K keeps our bones and heart healthy, as well as bleeding from anything. Vitamin-K helps prevent it. In addition, Vitamin K helps fight many other ailments.

Benefits of Vitamin K

Vitamin-K prevents blood clotting and plays an important role in preventing internal bleeding, osteoporosis, excessive menstruation and pain during menstruation. Vitamin-K works to increase calcium in the body.

Vitamin-K strengthens bones and reduces the risk of fractures. And calcium is used to strengthen the bones and the body needs vitamin-K to deliver calcium to the bones.

Vitamin-K should be specially adopted in the diet of the heart patient. Good for them. It helps in preventing the formation of minerals in the arteries and lowers blood pressure.

Vitamin-K works to fight cancers in the body such as stomach, colon, liver, mouth, prostate and nose.

Taking vitamin-K helps in the processing of insulin in the body. Which maintains proper blood glucose levels and reduces the risk of diabetes.

There are 6 main types of Vitamin K.

Vitamin K-1 and Vitamin K-2

Vitamin K deficiency and its symptoms

Prolonged bleeding from the beating.

Bleeding from the nose as well as the gums.

Deficiency of vitamins also causes blood to flow in the digestive system.


Spinach is rich in iron. It is also a source of vitamin A and beta-carotene.


One cup of turnip contains about 21 micrograms of vitamin A, 20 micrograms of vitamin-K. There are 5 calories. It can be taken in the form of vegetables or salads.

અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ 1

અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ 2



Flower juice contains about 20 micrograms of green vegetables containing iron, protein, calcium, carbohydrates, chromium, vitamins A and C. The flower can be taken raw as well as cooked.


1 cup of beetroot contains 3 mg of vitamin A, 2 micrograms of vitamin K. There are only 16 calories.

Contains fruits like broccoli, tomato, capsicum, blueberry, kiwi, grape, strawberry, sprouts, soybean, yogurt, cheese, cheese, green tea, olive oil.

નોંધ:- અમારો હેતુ આપને માત્ર સારી માહિતી આપવાનો છે, કોઇપણ ઉપચાર નિષ્ણાંત ની દેખરેખ અને આપની તાસીર મુજબ કરવો


Injections are given to children or those who do not get enough vitamin-K through their diet.

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Vitamin E source and its benefits

Vitamin E source and its benefits

 Vitamin E source and its benefits

This prevents infertility, this oil is found inside cereals, peas, spinach, almonds, peanuts etc.

Works to make red blood cells in the blood. This vitamin acts as an anti-oxidant in the body. It helps keep every color active. It also keeps the skin young while keeping the fatty acids in balance. Tamin E deficiency in premature infants leads to decreased blood flow. This can lead to anemia. Vitamin E deficiency in children and the elderly can lead to cerebral vein or neurological problems. Infection with any disease can occur quickly. Apart from this, problems like jaundice, impotence, diabetes, hair loss can occur. Vitamin E is found in wheat, barley, dates, chickpeas, green leafy vegetables, cream, butter, vegetable oils, sunflower and corn oil.

Vitamin E helps prevent hair loss

Vitamin E has an antioxidant fold to repair your hair tissue and produce new ones. Applying vitamin E to your scalp prevents inflammation of your scalp and repairs damaged follicles. After which healthy follicles increase the growth of your hair.

Everyone has a different need for vitamin E.

Eating a diet rich in vitamin E can prevent diseases, but higher doses of vitamin E are needed to prevent damage from toxins. In addition, the need for vitamin E increases with age. It turns out that the need for vitamin E varies from person to person. Exercise, diet, medications, and exposure to a polluted environment all contribute to a person's vitamin E needs.

This is a natural source of vitamin E.

Vitamin E is found in wheat, barley, dates, chickpeas, green beans, green vegetables, cream, butter, vegetable oils, sunflower and corn oil. While in meat, substances like marine fish, eggs, goat meat, pig meat are natural sources of vitamin E.

This way you can also get vitamin E through supplements

Vitamin E is found in medicine as a supplement. Vitamin E alone is found in the form of a mixture of other vitamins and also mixed with minerals. While its oil and moisturizer cream is also available to apply on the skin. In addition, 100, 200 and 500 mg oil capsules of Vitamin E are available in the market. A natural type of vitamin E is found in a protein called covita..

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An overdose of vitamin E brings this problem

Prolonged overdose of vitamin E can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. 

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At the same time muscle weakness, decrease in muscle mass, blurred vision, eye problems and unstadiness in walking.

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Vitamin D deficiency: Consequences of modern lifestyle

Vitamin D deficiency: Consequences of modern lifestyle

Vitamin D deficiency: Consequences of modern lifestyle

Different types of vitamins are mostly found in food. Vitamin D3 can be produced by the body when the UVB rays in the sun's rays are absorbed into the skin and processed into dermal 7-dehydro cholesterol to become vitamin D, the starting element. Vitamin D3 results in vitamin D through biochemical actions in the liver and kidneys. Knowing this, it is clear that the nutrients in the diet alone are not enough to make vitamin D. In addition to the specific 7-dehydro cholesterol in the skin, ultraviolet rays also need to be absorbed into the skin. The ability to properly perform the biochemical processing of vital organs of the body such as the liver and kidneys is also required to make vitamin D from the precursor of vitamin D3. This ability is the metal-producing ability of Dhatvagni, Panchbhutagni mentioned in Ayurveda.

When we find out about vitamin D deficiency, we think that if the doctor prescribes a dose of the prescribed dose based on the blood report, then the deficiency will go away. This is not entirely true. This is because over-the-counter vitamin deficiencies are not the only cure. Proper absorption by the pores in the skin is essential for the sun's rays, which are essential for the formation of vitamin D, and therefore for the special vitamin D to reach the element under the skin. It is also important that the function of the liver and kidneys is maintained in order for the action to take place.

What does vitamin D deficiency have to do with lifestyle?

According to the latest survey by the Associate Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India last April, 4% of the population in Delhi is deficient in vitamin D. Of these 5%, 4% are 21 to 5 years old, 5% are 20 to 5 years old, 15% are 40 to 5 years old. 5% for 40 to 50 years. While only 1% are in their 20s and 30s. Thus, among the youth under the age of 30, vitamin D deficiency is most prevalent.

Vitamin D deficiency affects many functions of the body. like,

Tingling in the body, pain in the muscles and joints.

Weakening of bones.

Imbalance in diseases like blood pressure, diabetes.

Decreased immunity.

Lack of motivation to work, laziness, depression.

More than one biochemical action in the body is responsible for the production of vitamin D. Similarly, proper maintenance of vitamin D is essential for the multifaceted functions of the body. Therefore, it is not correct to assume that vitamin D deficiency only affects the bones. That is why it is necessary to be vigilant about the cause and remedy of deficiency instead of just controlling the quantity with a tablet.

What to do to overcome vitamin D deficiency?

To avoid sunburn, experiment with various cosmetics used to whiten the skin, stay in the shade for a long time in the shade and in an air-conditioned enclosed and artificial light environment, ignore the essentials for health like hunger, sleep, rest to meet time constraints and competitive conditions. Reasons such as eating irregularly and not nutritionally but keeping in mind the taste are difficult to avoid in modern lifestyle. That is why more youth are affected. Today's youth are not going to play in the street, in the square, in the field. Open-air games have been replaced by video-mobile games. Club or indoor arrangements are also preferred for sports like tennis, badminton, squash. Very few young people know how to ride a bicycle and prefer it. Scooters, motorcycles or even air-conditioned vehicles also block out sunlight. In addition to all this, lack of nutrition in food is real! To eliminate vitamin D deficiency, 15 to 20 minutes of sun salutation on the balcony, balcony or ground where the sun is hot in the morning is the most effective way. With sun exposure during sunbathing, blood circulation in various body conditions such as glands like waist, neck, throat, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidney, adrenaline, thyroid-parathyroid is done properly. From the body's juices (a suitable substance formed after digestion of food) improves the function of metallurgy, which is necessary for the nourishment of every metal like blood, meat, fat, bones, marrow. The direct effect of which is on the multi-dimensional digestion, nutrition, metabolism of the body and the body strives to recover on its own. Along with this it is beneficial to maintain regularity in meal time, sleep etc. with foods rich in vitamin D like milk, buttermilk, mushrooms, eggs. Ayurvedic herbs can also be taken to treat vitamin D deficiency after nature testing and diagnosis.

Proven experience

Swallowing vitamins is not the only way to overcome vitamin deficiency. It is also necessary to improve the lifestyle responsible for the 'toxic condition' of the vital organs of the body.

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Vitamins are important in the nutrients needed for the body's nutrition, regeneration and protection. The word 'vitamin' means the vitality-vital element required for health.

Calcium and Vitamin D:

Adequate supply of calcium and vitamin D throughout life is essential for bone health. Adequate calcium is a natural mineral needed for life. Calcium plays an important role in bone growth and keeping it healthy. It also keeps your teeth healthy. In the process of blood clotting, mating is also good. Calcium helps in the process of blood clotting, muscle contraction and many other important functions in the body.

નોંધ:- અમારો હેતુ આપને માત્ર સારી માહિતી પોરો પાડવાનો છે, કોઇપણ ઉપચાર નિષ્ણાંત ની દેખરેખ અને આપની તાસીર મુજબ કરવો.

If the calcium level remains normal, your heart also works normally. In other words, the amount of vitamin D should be sufficient for the body to absorb the calcium components and reach every organ. Vitamin D is important in bone formation in children. Vitamin D deficiency also reduces bone strength.

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Vitamin C Deficiency? So eat these things; Interesting information about vitamin C

Vitamin C Deficiency? So eat these things; Interesting information about vitamin C

Vitamin C Deficiency? So eat these things; Interesting information about vitamin C

Many people nowadays suffer from illness due to busy lifestyle. Vitamin-C is essential for keeping the body healthy which strengthens the body's immune system and performs the necessary and important functions like sending messages to the nerves and delivering energy to the cells. Here we will find out about the source of Vitamin-C which increases the intake of Vitamin C.

Helps In Weight Loss

Increases Immunity

Lemon is a good source of ascorbic acid. Lemon naturally works to boost immunity in the body. Vitamin C in lemon helps protect against fever and cold.

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Energy Drink

Lemon water should be consumed in the morning to maintain energy levels throughout the day. Apart from being delicious, lemon water is also very healthy.

Where does vitamin C come from?


Mangoes are a rich source of vitamin C. One mango contains about 4 lemons and 30 oranges exactly vitamin C and its regular intake helps in proper digestion.


Oranges are rich in vitamin C and also rich in fiber. Apart from that, the antioxidants in it also prove to be helpful in keeping the body healthy.


Red capsicum contains about 95 mg of vitamin C and its anti-inflammatory properties also help reduce inflammation.


Rich in vitamin C, this broccoli contains about 132 mg of vitamin-C.


Is one of the best sources of anti-oxidants. Pineapple is also rich in vitamin C. One cup of pineapple contains about 78.9 mg of vitamin-C.

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All the specific sources of vitamin C are found in our kitchens. There are also many things that can be eaten raw without cooking. The more naturally vitamin C goes into your body, the better.

All types of citrus fruits, including oranges, citrus and lemons are high. Kiwi and gooseberry are also excellent fruits for vitamin C. Cabbage, cauliflower and capsicum in vegetables are also rich in vitamin C. If vitamin C is not available in milk, then buttermilk and yoghurt are needed. Need a bowl of yogurt or a glass of buttermilk for lunch. 

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This reduces various digestive problems and can also stop the accumulation of fat deposits and has a positive effect on the functioning of other organs of the body.

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Vitamins and its function; Vitamin B-1 & B-2

Vitamins and its function; Vitamin B-1 & B-2

Vitamins and its function; Vitamin B-1 & B-2 OR Functions and benefits of thymine

Here we give you some information about vitamins by which we want to explain to them which vitamin or element is beneficial for you. There are many types of vitamins, but there are six main types. Learn a little about vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K.

Vitamin B-1:

Lack of this leads to loss of appetite and indigestion. It also has a bad effect on the nervous system. Berry-berry disease and heart inflammation are also the result of this. This is found inside milk, flour, and jerky fruit.

Vitamin B-2:

Deficiency of this causes tearing of skin, tongue, lips. This is especially found in wheat, peas, peanuts, milk, etc.

Functions and benefits of thymine

1) Metabolism

The body needs vitamin B1 to make its main energy molecule, ATP.

Thymine helps convert carbohydrates into glucose, the preferred source of energy that the body needs to keep your metabolism running smoothly. It also helps break down proteins and fats.

A system of enzyme reactions called pyruvate dehydrogenase requires thymine in particular, which works to metabolize the sugar we eat.

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Sugar metabolism

Thymine (thymine diphosphate, the main active form of the vitamin) is essential for glucose metabolism.

The number of people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes is 17% to 79% of people with low thymine. Studies have shown that increasing the intake of vitamin B1 reduces the severity of symptoms associated with diabetes in the early stages.

2) Immunity

Like other B-complex vitamins, vitamin B1 is sometimes called an "anti-stress" vitamin because it can strengthen the immune system and improve the body's ability to cope with stressful situations.

Giving vitamin B1 blockers to rats has significantly reduced the function of the immune system.

3) The brain

Previous studies have reported lower levels of thymine and pyruvate dehydrogenase dysfunction in patients with ataxia, a condition that causes loss of movement. Significant improvement in long-term treatment.

Vitamin B1 appears to help in the development of myelin sheath, a coat that wraps around the nerves to prevent damage and death.

In the brain, it is needed both by nerve cells and by other supporting cells of the nervous system.

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Autopsy studies have shown that these thymine-based enzymes have decreased brain activity in people with Alzheimer's disease.

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Vitamins and its function; Carrots, the nectar of the eyes, a mine of vitamin-A

Vitamins and its function; Carrots, the nectar of the eyes, a mine of vitamin-A

Vitamins and its function; Carrots, the nectar of the eyes, a mine of vitamin-A

Here we give you some information about vitamins by which we want to explain to them which vitamin or element is beneficial for you. There are many types of vitamins, but there are six main types. Learn a little about vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K.

Vitamin A: This is usually needed for body growth and development. It also gives coolness to the eyes and is found in milk, ghee, butter, carrots, tomatoes etc.

This vitamin is very essential for the eye. Children and pregnant women are most in need of this. If enough vitamin A is not available, the newborn may die. Vitamin A deficiency is commonly found in a variety of eye diseases. In addition, lung and respiratory illnesses, sinus, cold, fever, weakening of teeth and bones, weight loss, constipation, tuberculosis, hydrocephalus and deafness can occur. To prevent all these diseases, one should take a diet rich in vitamin A. Such as - spinach, cauliflower, radish leaves, papaya, tomatoes, carrots, mangoes, custard apple, milk, butter, ghee, bananas and lemons can be taken.

Main signs and symptoms

The child complains of not being able to see in the dark or in low light. This symptom is known as blindness in people.

An irregular shape appears in the white part of the eye. (Beatot spot)

The eye is triangular in shape like a foam caused by disease or injury.

The eyes become dry.


Considered a potent antioxidant. Protects against free radicals responsible for cancer, ALS (anotrophic lateral sclerosis), aging, stroke, etc. This free radical-toxin is considered by Ayurveda as 'Aam', which is produced due to digestive disorders and circulates in the body.

Important in the division and regeneration of body cells.

The ability to see visually, alertness is maintained.

Also useful in bone formation.

The body's reproductive system keeps the reproductive system active.

Inadequate intake of vitamin A can lead to infectious diseases. That is, it keeps your immune system afloat.

The skin color remains basic. Lack may turn yellow.

Works to produce saliva in the mouth, which can prevent diseases of the mouth, teeth, tongue and throat. Also food can be digested properly.

From what

Carnivores can also get it from eggs, mutton, cod liver oil, vegetarians can get it from milk, cheese, vegetables, grains, etc. Carrots are the main ones. In addition to beta carotene, carrots are rich in Vitamin-B, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium etc.

People with bilious nature should eat carrot halva in winter. Raw carrots are used by housewives as a salad, as a fresh juice, as a soup, as a pickle, as a vegetable. Pickles can be made from carrots to eat twelve meats.

Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin A. Sugarcane is digestible due to its vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and fatty acids.

Spinach: Jains do not eat tubers, so spinach is a source of vitamin A for them. Spinach soup, vegetables, salads, risotto, parathas are used in many ways in cooking to get Vitamin A. Vitamin A is also obtained from cauliflower, red chillies and tomatoes.

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Apricots: Apricots have not yet found a place in the dried fruit like cashews, almonds, pistachios, but if you ask a regular user of apricots, his favorite dried fruit will be apricots. Unaware of its properties, but good results come from the result, so in addition to vitamin ‘A’, apricots contain vitamins B, C, E, K. There are also minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, copper, sodium, zinc etc., which make it special.

Fruits: Vitamin ‘A’ is obtained from fruits like ripe mango, orange, papaya, sugar cane, watermelon, grape etc.

Cereals: Chickpeas, lentils, millets, soybeans (white), etc. are rich in Vitamin A. Also in wheat, mug, corn, fresh peas etc.

નોંધ:- અમારો હેતુ આપને માત્ર સારી માહિતી આપવાનો છે, કોઇપણ ઉપચાર નિષ્ણાંત ની દેખરેખ અને આપની તાસીર મુજબ કરવો

Ayurvedic Medicine:

Jivanti (Dodi): This is a type of vegetable, which is easily available in the villages, its powder is available in the market. Add one teaspoon of powder, one cup of milk, one water, one and a half to two teaspoons of sugar and let it boil. Cool and drink after two-three eruptions. This is called Dodi Kshirpak, which maintains the brightness of the eyes and reduces the heat of the body and uterus. Habitual abortion is a quick remedy for frequent miscarriages. 

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