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Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Prathmik Shishyavruti PSE and Madhyamik Shishyavruti Parixa SSE notification Online apply

Prathmik Shishyavruti PSE and Madhyamik Shishyavruti Parixa SSE notification Online apply

Prathmik Shishyavruti  PSE  and Madhyamik Shishyavruti Parixa SSE notification Online apply

State Examination Board Gandhinagar Declared official notification for Prathmik shishyavruti exam PSE and Madhyamik shishyavruti Exam SSE. all Detail of both Exam Like Exam date, Online form Submit date, Exam fee, Education Qualification and other things are also Mention in this Article.

Candidate have to Study Running In Std 6 in Government Primary school oGranted primary school or Non Granted Primary school

Important Date For PSE SSE Exam:

  • Online Apply start date :: 22/08/2022
  • Last Date for Online Apply: 06/09/2022

Qualification for PSE Exam 2022 :: 

  • Candidate have to Study Running In Std 6 in Government Primary school oGranted primary school or Non Granted Primary school
  • Student Passe Exam of std 5 with 50 %   or Grade
Qualification for  SSE Exam 2022:: 

Student Passe Exam of std 5 with 50 %   or Grade

Qualification for  SSE Exam 2021 :: 

Candidate have to Study Running In Std 9 in Government Primary school Or Granted primary school or Non Granted Primary school

Student Passe Exam of std 8 with 50 %  MArks or Grade

Syllabus for  PSE Exam 2021 :: 

Pse Exam 2022 syllabus is std 1 to 5

Syllabus for  SSE Exam 2021 :: 

Sse Exam 2022 syllabus is std 6 to 8

Paper Style And Blue Print For PSE - SSE Exam 2021 : 

Launguage-General Knowledge :: 100 Questions: 100 Marks :: 90 Minutes

Maths & Science : 100 Questions: 100 Marks :: 90 Minutes

How To apply For PSE Exam 2022

How To apply For PSE Exam 2022

The entire form has to be filled in English.

First go to  Then click on  'Apply online 

Primary Scholarship Examination (Std-6) "or" Secondary Scholarship Examination (Std-9) Apply Now 

PSE અને SSE પરીક્ષા ના જૂના પ્રશ્નપત્રો

Apply Now Click Application Format . Application Format  All the information has to be filled.

Student details should be filled on the basis of  U-Dise Number.

For details details have to be filled based on the school's DISE Number, *

Now clicking on save will save your data. Here the Application Number of the candidate will be generated.

Which the candidate shall preserve. •

 In order to upload Photo and Dah nature, first of all your photo and signature should be in JPG format (15 Kb) in the computer in such a way that it does not exceed. 
Click on Browse Button.  the file in which your photo is stored in JPG format from the screen of the file. And press the open button. Now click on the upload button next to the rone button, now yours
Let the photo appear. Now you have to upload the gnature in the same way, 
• Confirm Application Click HER Application Number Type I Birth Date
Type. Then click on try brit. If you want to modify the application here, click on the application to correct it. Any kind of correction can be made in the application before confirming the application, but after one , it will not be able to make any kind of correction in it.
Candidate's application will be accepted online and only after that will it be considered valid. Print Application & Fee chalan? Click Seg to confirm Number Types. 
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Sunday, 26 December 2021

State Bank of India (SBI) Recruitment for 1226 Circle Based Officer (CBO) Posts 2021

State Bank of India (SBI) Recruitment for 1226 Circle Based Officer (CBO) Posts 2021

State Bank of India (SBI) Recruitment for 1226 Circle Based Officer (CBO) Posts 2021

Total Posts: 1226 Posts (Gujarat Vacancies: 354 Posts)

Posts Name: Circle Based Officer (CBO)

SBI CBO Regular Vacancy
Circle State SC ST OBC EWS GEN Total
Ahmedabad Gujarat 37 24 87 30 122 300
Bengaluru Karnataka 37 19 69 25 100 250
Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 24 11 40 15 60 150
Chhattisgarh 08 04 04 05 29 50
Chennai Tamil Nadu 33 44 48 25 100 250
Jaipur Rajasthan 19 05 24 10 42 100
Total 158 107 272 110 453 1100

SBI CBO Backlog Vacancy
Circle State SC ST OBC Total
Ahmedabad Gujarat — 16 38 54
Bengaluru Karnataka — 07 21 28
Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 08 02 02 12
Chhattisgarh 01 01 — 02
Chennai Tamil Nadu — 26 — 26
Jaipur Rajasthan 04 — — 04
Total 13 52 61 126

Educational Qualification: 

Graduation in any discipline from a recognised University or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by the Central Government. (More Details: Please Read Official Notification)

Experience as on 01.12.2021: Minimum 2 years’ experience (Post Essential Academic Qualification Experience) as on 01.12.2021 as an officer in any Scheduled Commercial Bank or any Regional Rural Bank as listed in Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India. (More Details: Please Read Official Notification)

Age Limit: Not below 21 years and Not above 30 years as on 01.12.2021 i.e. candidates must have been born not later than 01.12.2000 and not earlier than 02.12.1991 (both days inclusive).

Age Relaxation: As Per Rules. (More Details: Please Read Official Notification)

Application Fee:

• General / OBC / EWS: Rs. 750/-
• SC / ST / PWD: No Fees
(More Details: Please Read Official Notification)

Educational Qualification & Other Details: Please Read Official Notification.

How to Apply: Interested and Eligible Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website

Notification: Click Here

Apply Online: Click Here

Important Dates:
• Starting Date for Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 09-12-2021
• Last Date to Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 29-12-2021
• Date to Download for Admit Card: 12-01-2021
• Date for Online Exam: January 2022

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Saturday, 25 December 2021

Modi government’s big decision to create 59 lakh jobs, cabinet approves plan

Modi government’s big decision to create 59 lakh jobs, cabinet approves plan

Modi government’s big decision to create 59 lakh jobs, cabinet approves plan

About 30,000 vacancies will be created for jobs in Gujarat government at a time. Panchayat, police recruitment hanging in election code of conduct, announcement after counting of votes .

The newly formed Lok Rakshak Recruitment Board of Gandhinagar Home Department was to start the process of filling up of nomination forms for various cadres including LRD in Class-II from October 1.

However, since the local body elections are in Gandhinagar itself, there is a backlash against the official announcement due to the code of conduct. Now, after the counting of votes on Tuesday, the selection boards of the panchayat department, including various recruitment boards in the police system, will make an official announcement.

Recruitment for 30,000 posts in Gujarat government has been postponed due to Kovid-12 epidemic. For its completion, various recruitment bodies, boards and selection boards will announce between Navratri and Diwali. The recruitment of 300 posts of clerks and talatis announced by the panchayat department at the district level three years ago has been canceled. Instead, at the state level, more than 50,000 unemployed youth with quality merit on government records in the state are facing shortage of recruitment of education assistants. Many of them are even nearing the age limit for government recruitment.

The Tate Pass candidates have submitted to the Chief Minister that the government has spoken out in the last two years. On October 9, 2018, the then Education Minister will make centralized recruitment in the year 2020. Panchayat Talati, including Multi Purpose Health Worker, has 13,200 vacancies in 6 different categories. In addition to 15,000 Lok Rakshak Dal personnel in the police system, recruitment has been announced for about 2,500 posts including Home Guard and TRB. In addition, it announced the recruitment of all 5,000 education assistants, including health,

and then 500 in the year 2021. First for other media and then for Gujarati medium. However, recruitment has not yet taken place. While there are more than 6,000 vacancies in the government primary education sector in Gujarat, there is a demand to complete the recruitment of education assistants which has been stalled for three years.


LIC પોલીસી બાબતના સમાચાર વાંચો 

The government has sought information on vacancies in the department. Pressure has increased on the departmental recruitment institutes including GPSC, Secondary Service, Panchayat Service Selection Board to complete the past 8 stalled recruitments and new recruitment processes before the Assembly-208 elections.

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Friday, 24 December 2021

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022|SSC CGL Notification 2022

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022|SSC CGL Notification 2022

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022:The Staff Selection Commission ( SSC) Just Released Big Recruitment Notification For Grade 'B' & 'C' Category Posts In Various Government Ministeries Departments and Offices.Eligible & Interested Candidates Can Apply Online After Read Official SSC CGL Notification 2022 Given Below.SSC CGL Vacancy 2022 Good Chance For Those Candidates Who Seeking Job In Central Government Various Department.

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022

Organisation Name:Staff Selection Commission

Exam Name: Combined Graduate Level

Posts Name: Various Posts

No. Of Vacancy: 7000+

Application Mode: Online

Job Location: Across India

Last Date: 23/01/2022

SSC CGL Vacancy 2021

Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer

Junior Statistical Officer

Statistical Investigator Grade-II

Assistant in National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT)

Research Assistant in National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) & Other Posts

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Criteria

SSC CGL Recruitment Education Qualification

Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer Junior Statistical Officer:

Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.

Chartered Accountant or Cost & Management Accountant or Company Secretary or Masters in Commerce or Masters in Business Studies or Masters in Business Administration (Finance) or Masters in Business Economic.

Junior Statistical Officer:

Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute with at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level.


Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level.

Statistical Investigator Grade-II:

Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects from a recognized University or Institute.

The candidates must have studied Statistics as a subject in all the three years or all the 6 semesters of the graduation course.

Assistant in National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT):

Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.

Degree in law from a recognized university.

Research Assistant in National Human Rights Commission (NHRC):

Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.

Minimum one-year research experience in any recognized university or recognized Research Institution;

Degree in Law or Human Rights from a recognized university.

All Other Posts:
  • Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.
  • The candidates must possess Essential qualification on or before the closing date for receipt of online applications 23-01-2022.

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Age Limit

  • Minimum: 18 Years
  • Maximum: 30 Years 
  • Please Read Official Notification For Post Wise Age Limit Details.

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 How To Apply 

  • Applications must be submitted only in online mode at the official website of SSC, Before 23/01/2022.

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Application Fees

  • General/OBC/EWS: Rs.100/-
  • Women/SC/ST/PwD/Ex. Servicemen: No Fees

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Selection Process

  • Tier-I: Computer Based Examination
  • Tier-II: Computer Based Examination
  • Tier-III: Pen and Paper Mode (Descriptive paper)
  • Tier-IV: Computer Proficiency Test/ Data Entry Skill Test (wherever applicable).

SSC CGL Examination Important Dates

  • Dates for submission of online applications 23-12-2021 to 23-01-2022
  • Last date and time for receipt of online applications 23-01-2022 (23:30)
  • Last date and time for making online fee payment 25-01-2022 (23:30)
  • Last date and time for generation of offline Challan 26-01-2022 (23:30)
  • Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank) 27-01-2022
  • Dates of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ including online payment. 28-01-2022 to 01-02-2022 (23:30)
  • Schedule of Computer Based Examination (Tier-I) April, 2022
  • Dates of Tier-II Examination (CBE) & Descriptive Paper (Tier-III) To be notified later.
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Friday, 17 December 2021

Meal Bills Assistance - Bhojan Bill Sahay

Meal Bills Assistance - Bhojan Bill Sahay

Meal Bills Assistance - Bhojan Bill Sahay

Students receiving unemployment classes are not available in the medical, dental, technical, para-medical and academic systems in their respective talukas and students who are studying outside the taluka, who are studying outside of the government / grant-in-school hostel, monthly income of Rs.1500 / – per month will be received for 10 months.

Staying in girls hostels run by any society / trust / institution. Girls studying from 9th to 12th are also eligible for the above food bill assistance

Eligibility of Meal Bill Assistance Scheme

Non-reserved class students studying in undergraduate medical, dental, technical, para medical will benefit.

The benefit of this scheme is for those who are studying in hostel away from family

Benefit for those who do not have educational system in their taluka and study in hostel outside the taluka

Those who are studying in a hostel other than government or grant aided

Studying in Std-9 to 12 in a girls hostel run by any society, trust or organization

Students must have a non-reserved class certificate

Student should be a citizen of Gujarat

Income limit:

The annual income limit of the family will be Rs. 4.50 lakhs or less

List Of Required Documents

Copy of Aadhaar card

Bin anamat certificate

Certificate of income

Proof of age (L.C. or birth certificate)

Proof of residence

Proof that the monthly meal bill in the hostel is paid or receivable

Bonofide Certificate of Continuing Study of School or College Student

Standard-12 or last year marksheet of study

Proof that the hostel is run by a social trust

A copy of the student's bank passbook 

શૈક્ષણિક અભ્યાસ યોજના સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી

ભોજન બીલ સહાય  યોજના સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી

જી(JEE), ગુજકેટ(GUJCET), નીટ(NEET) પરીક્ષા માટે કોચીંગ સહાય.

સ્પર્ધાત્મક પરીક્ષા માટે તાલીમ સહાય સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી

Important Link

Official Website Link


Apply Online Link

Important Date

Last Date of Application 31-12-2021

The benefit of this scheme is given by Gujarat Non-Reserved Educational and Economic Development Corporation. Eligible students in this scheme will be entitled to food allowance at the rate of Rs. 1500 / - per month for 10 months. Up to a total of 15,000 students eligible for full course and hostel assistance

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Thursday, 16 December 2021

Download Free Best Adidas Running App Run Tracker

Download Free Best Adidas Running App Run Tracker

Download Free Best Adidas Running App Run Tracker

Join over 170m people who have used adidas Running by Runtastic. We're more than just a run tracker. With regular challenges and virtual races, you'll always be motivated. Get active with your favorite sports like running, hiking, cycling, yoga, and more. Keep a log of minutes, miles and calories burned and see your statistics.


News feed: get updated and motivated through our blog posts on fitness topics, your followers' activities and events around your location.

Followers: stay connected to the running community and keep your competitive spirit alive.

PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS With Premium, you’ll unlock:
Personalized training plans for races (weight loss, 5K, 10K, half-marathon, marathon).
Auto-pause when you stop moving.
Personal records to mark all your achievements.
Interval training for running, walking and cycling


Partners: we're compatible with apps Suunto, Kinomap, Running Heroes, Keller Sports, Zwift, Polar, Coros, Garmin Connect, Nolio, RunMotion Coach, Xhale, TrainasONE.

Join challenges with our partners: Vitality Running World Cup, Smashrun, The Conqueror Challenges.

Keep an eye on your hydration and diet with REBO Smart Bottle and My Fitness Pal

Earn rewards when you connect to Running Heroes, Keller sMiles

Use the adidas Running app on your Wear OS watch to track activities, complete challenges, and check your stats.

Keep an eye on your vitals, steps and more with Google Fit and Huawei Health.


It’s FREE!

Built-in GPS tracking

Track duration, distance, calories burned, and monitor heart rate data.

The ultimate sports app: choose yoga, hiking, cycling, and more.

Take on Virtual Races to race with athletes around the world.

Get audio updates while you work out about your total mileage, calorie count, pace, speed, mileage.

લોક રક્ષક રીઝલ્ટ જોવા માટે અહિ ક્લિક કરો

Score activity Records when you hit a new milestone

Distance, duration or consistency: choose a personal goal for the sport of your choice.


Unlock adidas rewards with the Creators Club loyalty program. Collect points for challenges and activities that you can redeem for early access to products, free Premium, events, and more.


The adidas Running app is free to download and use. Some features, such as your running training plans, are unlocked only with the purchase of a Premium Membership. Your Membership renews automatically if you do not cancel it within 24 hours prior to the end of the subscription period. The renewal of your Premium Membership will be charged to your account up to 24 hours before your current Membership expires. The cancellation of an in-app Membership subscription is not permitted. The option to disable the automatic renewal of your Premium Membership is available to you in your Google Play account settings. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all 

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Wednesday, 15 December 2021

HD Camera For Android | HD Professional Camera

HD Camera For Android | HD Professional Camera

An easy and faster HD camera for Android to catch moments, panorama, quick snap & filters. Moreover, this is a native android system camera app. HD professional Camera utilized all advantages of your phone or tablet. Let you snaps quick and straightforward photos and videos.

Key Features Of HD Camera For Android:

HD Camera For Android | HD Professional Camera

Key Features Of HD Camera For Android:

HD Camera For Android | HD Professional Camera
  • camera and video features.
  • Moreover, 3D camera, video recorder & panorama.
  • As well as pinch to zoom
  • Smart panorama shooting.
  • Moreover, countdown timer.
  • As well as a dynamic user interface (phone/tablet)
  • Moreover, widescreen pictures.
  • As well as picture quality setting.
  • White stability settings are likewise Incandescent, Fluorescent, Auto, Daylight and Cloudy.
  • Moreover, Screen mode settings(Action, Night, Sunset, Play)
  • Exposure.
  • Location targeting.
  • Moreover, Configurable volume keys.
  • Photo Collage.
  • Moreover, Photo crop and photo editing.

camera and video features.

Moreover, 3D camera, video recorder & panorama.

As well as pinch to zoom

Smart panorama shooting.

Moreover, countdown timer.

As well as a dynamic user interface (phone/tablet)

Moreover, widescreen pictures.

As well as picture quality setting.

Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud (ExactTarget), 

Moreover, Screen mode settings(Action, Night, Sunset, Play)


Location targeting.

Moreover, Configurable volume keys.

Photo Collage.

Moreover, Photo crop and photo editing.

HD Camera For Android | HD Professional Camera

The special permissions for use

દુનિયા નું પ્રથમ, અહીંથી જુઓ સંપૂર્ણ ફોટો PDF

1, android. permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

Although within the current market, there are have many sorts of camera applications. Moreover, we still think this android native application is that the most effective and ready to meet a user needs. Here only as a complement for those devices that are not installed android native system provides an additional option.


The special permissions for use

1, android. permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

HD Professional Camera can remember your photos and videos location if you would like. Moreover, other apps can access this information alongside your saved images.

2, android. permission.READ_CONTACTS

After you’re taking a photograph, you’ll share it with others. Moreover, HD Camera wants to browse the contacts information and assist you to share photos via email, SMS, or other apps.


HD Camera For Android is based on aboriginal android camera code and licensed under the Apache License.


Apache License:


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Tuesday, 14 December 2021

what is a digital address code and how you can benefit from it

what is a digital address code and how you can benefit from it

what is a digital address code and how you can benefit from it

Digital Address Code (DAC): In the near future, you may not need to identify your address while ordering online or paying property taxes. All you’ll need is an address with an Aadhaar-like unique identifier. This will be feasible thanks to each address in the country having a Digital Address Code (DAC).

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The Department of Posts, Government of India is working on a Digital Address Code i.e. DAC. This code will be given for each address in the country, after which it will be easy for you to shop online, get eKYC and pay property tax. Let us know about it in detail.

The government is making digital address code

The Department of Posts, Government of India has recently released the draft approach paper of this digital address code on its official website. The reason for uploading the approach paper is to get feedback and suggestions from the stakeholders. If the DAC is approved, you will no longer need to feed your address for online shopping and property tax purposes.

what is the digital address code?

Digital Address Code (DAC) is being created by the Department of Posts, Government of India. Under this arrangement, each house will have its own separate code. This will be a unique code similar to the number of the Aadhar card, which will be given to every citizen of India according to their address. In simple words, if there is a two-story building, and it has 10 flats, then each flat will have its own code. If there is a two-story house, and two families live in it, then separate codes will be formed for both families. now you get it.

DAC or Digital Address Code is a unique address identity. This will be a unique code like an Aadhaar, which will be given to every citizen of India according to his address. You can use this code on the apps of service providers by typing or scanning it as a QR code. In this way, much of your work will be completed with the help of this code without feeding the address. Let us tell you that digital maps will also be able to see this code.

how will it be made

While creating a digital address code, its officials will separately identify each address in the country and link it to the geospatial coordinates of the address, so that everyone’s address is always identified not by street or locality but by a code consisting of numbers and letters. can go Let us tell you that this code will be permanent.

Digital Address Code (DAC)

The DAC is being created by the Indian government’s Department of Posts. The department has posted a draught strategy paper on its official website for public comment and ideas.

Aadhaar is currently being used as a proof of address. However, the Aadhaar card‘s address cannot be digitally validated. DAC would aid in the digital authentication of an address, according to the draught approach paper. According to the proposal paper, the DAC should be able to uniquely identify each address in the country and relate it to its geospatial coordinates, which can be expressed numerically or alphanumerically.

How will the DAC code work?

You can use the DAC code by typing it or you will be able to get the exact location of the house by scanning it like a QR code. After the introduction of the DAC code, you will get rid of the hassle of feeding the address for any work. You will also be able to view digital maps with the help of DAC codes.

Digital Address Code (DAC) Benefits

Online address verification of every house can be done. E-KYC of Banking, Insurance, Telecom will be made easy.

DAC can prove to be very helpful for a service like e-commerce.

DAC will help a lot in implementing government schemes. It will also help in preventing incidents of fraud.

Assist in preparation of property, taxation, disaster management, and census and population registers.

The DAC will help fulfill the dream of One Nation One Address.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ

Why Digital Address Code (DAC) is necessary?

The DAC code will act as a permanent code, after which services like e-commerce will become very easy. Also, many tasks like tax filing, eKYC, and address verification will be done easily with the DAC code without having to feed the address. #DigitalAddressCode

Download DAC in PDF

Disclaimer: All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general and useful information purposes only. Website Developer does not make any warranties about the completeness. Digital Address Code is a govt scheme. This website is not authorized by the Indian govt. Must be read the Privacy Policy and Terms of conditions of this website.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ

What DAC will look like is unique for each address

An independent home would be an address with a digital address code (DAC).

The DAC will be unique to each address. "Address" means each person's living unit or office or business.

If the house is divided into two parts, a separate DAC will be issued with a different address for this purpose.

Each person in an apartment building will be allotted a digital address code (DAC), which will be linked to the geospatial coordinates of the apartment building or block entry.

The various digital address codes of any corporate office or a government office complex will be linked to the geospatial coordinates of the building in which the office is located.

The digital address code (DAC) will be permanent for each address. If the property representing the address is changed to multiple addresses, each new address will be assigned a new DAC.

How many digits will be the digital address code?

According to the Post Department, there are about 350 million households in India. If all their business and non-business locations are connected, the total number of addresses in the country could be 75 crore. Initially it is proposed to issue 11 digit + 1 check digit, i.e. digital address code of total 12 digits. It can cover about 100 crore addresses if required.

Let us tell you that according to the draft approach paper of DAC, this can bring many benefits to the countrymen. Many tasks like filing taxes, delivery of online shopping, address verification, and eKYC will be done with a single code without any address.

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Sunday, 12 December 2021

GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk Old Papers

GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk Old Papers


GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk Old Paper's. 

Looking for GSSSB bin sachivalay clerk syllabus 2021 in gujarati? right here we offer the legitimate office assistant magnificence 3 bin sachivalay clerk exam today’s syllabus 2021, that’s launched with the aid of the enterprise of gujarat subordinate carrier selection board (gsssb).

Here on this put up, we’ve given the whole details of the GSSSB bin sachivalay clerk recruitment 2021. down load GSSSB bin sachivalay syllabus pdf in Gujarati and exam pattern of the 12 months 2021 from this web page without any fee. As in keeping with the choice manner is cited within the GSSSB clerk recruitment notification, the candidate bypass via the 3 stages;

Written Exam – 200 Marks

Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) – 100 Marks and

Document Verification Program

GSSSB bin sachivalay clerk & workplace superintendent syllabus is released with the aid of the board in its legitimate internet site at free of fee. applicants can immediately download the examination sample & syllabus of gujarat bin clerk from the hyperlink given under on this page. gujarat gaun seva pansandgi board (GSSSB) receives programs from the applicants from 1st june 2021 to thirtieth june 2021 through online. based on the syllabus candidates can prepare themselves to qualify the exam. due to the overall elections board Will postpone recruitment manner to june month. candidates can prepare a timetable for the practise with using bin sachivalay clerk syllabus. candidates are suggested to e-book mark this page for greater

It tracks running stats, records routes with GPS in real time, and helps improve your running performance with detailed analysis and insight graphs. This powerful mile tracker tracks all key stats, distance, time, speed, calories burned, elevation, etc

  • Match your answer for better prediction your marks in a result.

Bin Sachivalay Final Answer Key 2022

Revised Final Answer Key 2022

GSSSB Head Clerk Syllabus at OJAS Bharti Official Website And Other Details Below Photos ..

Head Clerk Result 

updates concerning the recruitment manner.

GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk Syllabus 2019

Bin Sachivalay English Grammar Syllabus

Spelling Test.
Sentence Arrangement.
Error Correction (Underlined Part).
Passage Completion.
Sentence Improvement.
Spotting Errors.
Word Formation
Direct and Indirect speech
Active and Passive Voice.
Para Completion.
Idioms and Phrases.
Joining Sentences.
Theme Detection,
Topic rearrangement of passage
Error Correction (Phrase in Bold).
Fill in the blanks.
Data Interpretation.
Spelling Test.
Sentence Completion.
Sentence Arrangement
Bin Sachivalay Clerk Current Affairs Syllabus 

National affairs
International Affairs
Economy And Business World
Environment, Ecology, and Climate
Current General Knowledge
Gujarat Sachivalay Clerk 2019 General Knowledge Syllabus

About India.
History – India & World.
Cultural Heritage.
General Science.
Space & IT.
Indian Constitution.
National news (current).
Indian Culture.
Political Science.
Indian National Movement.
Indian Polity & Governance.
Science & Technology.
Scientific observations.
International issues.
Economic Scene.
Everyday Science.
Sports and Games.
Science – Inventions & Discoveries.
Important Days.
General Knowledge of Karnataka.
Important Financial & Economic News.
Current Affairs – National & International.
Indian Constitution.
Pipes and Cisterns.
Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F.
Compound Interest.
Numbers and Ages.
Problems on Trains.
Volume and Surface Area,
Races and Games.
Quadratic Equations.
Ratio and Proportion.
Odd Man Out.
Mixture and allegation Stocks and shares,
Computation of Whole Numbers.
Square Roots.
Mixture and Allegations.
Partnership Business.
Time and Distance.
Decimals and Fractions.
Relationships between Numbers.
Simple Equations.
Boats and Streams.
Profit and Loss.
Indices and Surds.
Boats and Streams.
Problems on Numbers.
Odd Man Out.
Compound Interest.
Mixtures and Allegations.
Numbers and Ages.
Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F.
Problems on Trains.
Races and Games.
Permutations and Combinations.
Bar & Graphs,
Line charts, Tables
Simple Interest.

Time and Work Partnership.
Simplification and Approximation
Gujarat Bin Sachivalay Syllabus pdf of Basics of Computer 

બિનસચિવાલય કલાર્કની ભરતીના કોલ લેટર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો


Includes Computer related general questions
History of computers,
Networking and communication,
Database basics,
Basics of Hacking, Security Tools, and Viruses
Basics of Hardware and software,
Windows operating system basics,
Internet terms and services,
Basic Functionalities of MS-Office( MS-word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint)
Fundamentals of Computer.
Internet & its usage etc.
GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk Syllabus pdf – Indian Constitution. 

Introduction to Indian Constitution
Fundamental Rights
Union Government
State Government
Local Self Government
Bin Sachivalay Recruitment of Office Assistant posts is a fortunate thing for the candidates. The entire page covers details about GSSSB Bin Sachivalay office assistant exam Syllabus and other basic information.
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