DIKSHA is India's national digital infrastructure for 'Our Teachers Our Heroes'
DIKSHA is India's national digital infrastructure for 'Our Teachers Our Heroes'
DIKSHA is India's national digital infrastructure for school education
The DIKSHA platform offers teachers, students and parents engaging learning material relevant to the prescribed school curriculum. Teachers have access to aids like lesson plans, worksheets and activities, to create enjoyable classroom experiences. Students understand concepts, revise lessons and do practice exercises. Parents can follow classroom activities and clear doubts outside school hours.
App highlights
• Explore interactive material created by teachers and the best Indian content creators for teachers and students in India. By India, for India!
• Scan QR codes from textbooks and find additional learning material associated with the topic
• Store and share content offline, even without Internet connectivity
• Find lessons and worksheets relevant to what is taught in the school classroom
• Experience the app in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Urdu with additional Indian languages coming soon!
• Supports multiple content formats like Video, PDF, HTML, ePub, H5P, Quizzes - and more formats coming soon!
Advantages for teachers
• Find interactive and engaging teaching material to make your class interesting
• See and share best practices with other teachers to explain difficult concepts to students
• Join courses to further your professional development and earn badges and certificates on completion
• View your teaching history across your career as a school teacher
• Receive official announcements from the state department
• Conduct digital assessments to check your students’ understanding of a topic that you have taught
Advantages for students and parents
• Scan QR codes in your textbook for easy access to the associated lessons on the platform
• Revise lessons that you learnt in class
• Find additional material around topics that are difficult to understand
• Practice solving problems and get immediate feedback on whether the answer is correct or not.
Greetings This article is provided for special teachers and students. Which will be very useful in improving the quality of education. This article contains information about an education app. This app gives you important information about the benefits and benefits of education for your students. After reading this article you will also be able to download the app.
DIKSHA is India's national digital
infrastructure for 'Our Teachers Our Heroes'
The DIKSHA platform offers teachers, students and parents engaging learning material relevant to the prescribed school curriculum. Teachers have access to aids like lesson plans, worksheets and activities, to create enjoyable classroom experiences. Students understand concepts, revise lessons and do practice exercises. Parents can follow classroom activities and clear doubts outside school hours.
The department has to provide guidance. Need to process the ingredients? 1. Addition to the curriculum: - Preparing supplementary literature - Adding. I.e. adding new units. E.g. Local geography - sights, cities, rivers, hills, dress, food, fairs, festivals, etc., and educational tools that make these units easier for the teacher and children to understand.
2, Modification and Direct: - To get three reports in different areas of the district that the language spoken by the local people - understand how different it is from Gujarati language, Dang, Panchmahal, Banaskantha, Valsad in Std. 1 and 2, And children studying in some areas of some other districts do not understand Gujarati, so it is necessary for them to improve or change the dialect, only by doing so will the children survive in school.
This initiative is supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) and led by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) in India.
About DIKSHADIKSHA is a customizable National Digital Infrastructure for teacher-centric initiatives for use by States, Teacher Education Institutes (TEI) and private entities. Teachers can use DIKSHA to access and create high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources in all subjects and for all standards in English and many Indian languages. Teachers can use the platform for their entire career span - from when they are student teachers at TEIs until after they retire - to capture, authenticate and share their work, contributions and achievements. The DIKSHA platform strengthens the hands of ‘Our Teachers Our Heroes’.
Download DIKSHA Android App From Here
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Initially communicating in their local dialect. Animals - Birds, toys, utensils, clothes, vegetables, food, etc. A list of words spoken daily in Gujarati and local dialect. Gradually they will get acquainted with Gujarati. It will be more convenient to do teaching work by preparing chats, letter-word-sentence cards and other educational materials in local and Gujarati language. Omission and substitution - Some of the things in the general curriculum and textbooks for disabled children have to be omitted or changed...
Some experimental work has to be deleted for rehabilitated students. Practicing for the children of the tribal area by changing how much or not, they can become one with all. The above points out where and how to develop curriculum content. This work has to be done after local interaction i.e. field interaction and research. There are two main aspects of text order content development.
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We bring to you a new experience of Home & search to personalize your content discovery
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