How to Find Vaccination centre Near me
How to Find Vaccination centre Near me
WhatsApp has introduced a new feature in India that will help its users find the Covid-19 vaccination centre nearest to them. The messaging app will make use of a chatbot for the same, developed in collaboration with several health partners that will operate this, and some more of such helplines.
This is the *Government of India's Corona Helpdesk* to create awareness and help you and your family stay safe. For any emergency, please contact ð
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The development was shared recently by WhatsApp head Will Cathcart through a tweet. Expressing concern over the tough times being faced in India, Cathcart announced WhatsApp's ongoing efforts to support Covid-19 related helplines on WhatsApp for its operate this, and some more of such helplines.
The functionality has been added under WhatsApp's MyGov Corona Helpdesk chatbot. To recall, the chatbot was launched early last year as the world faced the Covid-19 pandemic for the first time. Over time, the Facebook-owned chat app has added to its functions, which now includes information on the nearest Covid-19 vaccination centre.
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support Covid-19 related helplines on WhatsApp for its users.
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Link For Vaccination Registration:-
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