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Saturday, 24 April 2021

Very good news for SBI account holders, Bank made many big changes!

Very good news for SBI account holders, Bank made many big changes!

Very good news for SBI account holders, Bank made many big changes!

 People plan to secure their future through investing, but sometimes investing in the wrong place creates problems instead of benefits. It is very important that you invest in the right place. You should consider investing in it, through which you will start receiving monthly income after a certain period of time. Here we are telling you about SBI's annuity scheme.

state Bank of india made many big changes! :State Bank of India has now decided to completely eliminate the charges levied from its account holders, now customers will not be charged for many services of the bank.

Complete SMS alerts and minimum balance charges

state Bank of india made many big changes!
State Bank of India recently told its customers through its official Twitter account that it will no longer charge SMS alerts and minimum balance charges from account holders. This means that no maintenance charges for SBI saving account and along with the bank has said that to get rid of unnecessary apps today all the account holders download YONOSBI so that they can get all the information of their account.

SBI's plan

The SBI scheme can be invested in for a period of 36, 60, 84, or 120 months. The interest rate on this investment will be the same as for the term deposit of the selected period. Assuming that you deposit funds for five years, you will get interest-only according to the interest rate applicable on five-year term deposits. Everyone can avail of this scheme.

This is all SBI has to invest in this scheme

If an investor wants a monthly income of Rs 10,000 per month, he has to deposit Rs 5,07,964. The deposit will be returned at an interest rate of 7%, which is about Rs. 10,000 per month. If you have Rs 5 lakh to invest and you want to increase your income in the future, this is a good option.

According to the official tweet by SBI, henceforth customers will not have to pay the fee for not keeping SMS alert and minimum balance. The bank has now completely abolished the charge levied for backing service messages on the mobile number registered with the customer’s account. Now the customer will not have to pay any money for this.

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Charge was imposed for not having a minimum balance of savings account –

In the State Bank of India, the first account holders had to maintain a minimum balance of 3 thousand rupees always. Earlier, such customers who could not keep Rs 3 thousand in the account were charged with maintenance charges and if it becomes less than 50 per cent (Rs 1,500), then they had to pay Rs 10 and GST as a fee. If the balance in your account falls below 75%, then you had to pay 15 rupees and GST as a fee, but now you will not have to pay any extra charges.


A minimum of Rs 1,000 per month can be deposited in the SBI Annual Plan. There is no limit to the maximum investment. In annual payment, interest starts on the amount deposited by the customer after a certain period of time. This plan is very good for the future.

There is usually a lump sum for the middle class. In such a situation, more people secure their future by investing in Recurring Deposit (RD). The amount can be collected through small savings in RD and again it is given to the investor with interest. This is why recurring times are very popular among the common people.

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