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Thursday, 29 April 2021

Experience supreme Android antivirus and privacy protection with AVG AntiVirus

Experience supreme Android antivirus and sequestration protection with AVG AntiVirus 


All these focused on sending a safety alert & SOS to your family.

 Experience supreme Android antivirus and sequestration protection with AVG AntiVirus 


 Get AVG AntiVirus for Android to help cover you from dangerous contagions and malware. Keep your particular data safe with App Cinch, Photo Vault, Wi- Fi Security overlook, and App warrants counsel.  Download now!

Over people formerly installed AVG’s antivirus mobile security apps. Join them now and 

 ✔ overlook apps, games, settings and lines in real- time 

 ✔ Boost speed by killing tasks that decelerate down your device 

 ✔ expand battery life with Power Save 

 ✔ Clean gratuitous lines to free up space 

 ✔ Cinch sensitive apps with a Leg, pattern, or point 

 ✔ Enable locating your lost phone via Google Charts 

 ✔ Hide private prints in an translated Vault 

 ✔ Stay anonymous with VPN 

 ✔ overlook Wi- Fi networks for pitfalls 

 ✔ Check Wi- Fi download and upload speed 

 ✔ Get sapience into the authorization position of installed apps 


 With AVG AntiVirus FREE for Android you ’ll admit effective contagion and malware protection, phone locator, task killer, app cinch, Wi- Fi Scanner and print vault to help shield you from 



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 Your phone will work exactly the same. Battery consumption is minimal.

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 ✔ VPN Protection Secure your online sequestration 



 ✔ Extend battery life by turning off battery- draining settings with Power Save 

 ✔ Kill tasks and processes that can decelerate down your phone or tablet 





 ✔ Clean gratuitous lines and free up storehouse space 

 ✔ Check Wi- Fi download and upload speed 



 Use AVG AntiVirus FREE for Android together with AVG’s remote operation press to 

 ✔ detect your lost or stolen phone via Google Charts 



 ✔ Hide private prints 

 ✔ Lock your phone and set a cinch screen communication 

 ✔ Make your phone sound a temptress 

 ✔ Theftie discreetly emails you a print of anyone trying to unleash your phone or tablet 

 ✔ Surveillance Agent ever prisoner prints and record audio from your phone via our website 

 ✔ Remote History query your connections ever 


 ✔ App warrants get sapience into the position of authorization needed by your installed apps 

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 ✔ Hide private prints in a word- defended Vault to help poking 

 ✔ App Cinch cinch sensitive apps to cover your sequestration and safety 

 ✔ Stay anonymous with VPN 

 ✔ App warrants get sapience into the position of authorization needed by your installed apps 


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 lowest Speed supporter App That Helps Boost Your Phone’s Speed with One Tap! 


 Super Speed Boost Master can incontinently optimize the performance of your phone, which includes accelerating web browsing speed, perfecting gaming experience, making your battery last longer, drawing cache and removing the junk lines. Our main features are CPU performance optimization, Junk train Cleaner, RAM Booster, Battery Booster and Game Speed Booster. 

 Unleash the full eventuality of your Android’s CPU speed and RAM with a single valve speed boost- you wo n’t believe how presto your phone is! 




 ☆ Speed supporter- Phone Boost 

 Automatically boost the showing of your games and apps. Phone Booster frees up memory, pets up your phone and saves battery power. 


 ☆ Clear junk lines- Memory Cleanser 

 The junk train cleanser cleans up cache and junk lines that take up memory and storehouse space, which helps to ameliorate and optimize the speed and performance of your phone. 


 ☆ CPU Cooler 

 Continuously cover temperature changes, descry operations that consume high CPUs, and begin the cooling process, effectively reducing handset temperature. With memory boost, it cools Android bias as snappily as possible. 


 ☆ Battery redeemer 

 The battery supporter point helps optimize battery operation, reduce charging time and reduce power consumption. Use it frequently to avoid using the battery bowl all the time, and to extend the life of the battery bowl. Try now to make your battery last longer and use smaller battery dishes. 


 ☆ App director 

 How numerous times have you installed an operation that you haven't used? fluently delete old apps and identify apps with irregular exertion 


 ☆ Fast 

 Speed supporter optimizes and accelerates your Android phone with just one touch. Speed supporter can also overlook the cache and junk lines in your phone and clean them up to greatly speed up your phone's processing.

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