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Monday, 24 August 2020

Anganwadi Recruitment Result 2020 Merit list - आंगनवाड़ी रिजल्ट -2020

Anganwadi Recruitment Result 2020 Merit list - आंगनवाड़ी रिजल्ट -2020

Aangadvadi Bharti Advertisement for the post of AWW/AWH Banaskantha District @

(1) For the recruitment process of Anganwadi candidate / Tedagar in the integrated child development service scheme under the Women and Child Development Department, Resolution No. issued by the Women and Child Development Department of the Government. 

Anganwadi Recruitment 2020 Result: Surendranagar  2020-2021 District Wise List. ICDS Surendranagar Anganwadi Bharti 2020: Helper, Worker, Vacancies in Anganwadi Department of Gujarat State. Navsari Anganwadi Recruitment 2020 Notification on authentic site . Applicants who are looking for anand Anganwadi Worker ||   2020, they are at ideal spot and discover most recent update underneath.

An increase in the honorarium of Anganwadi worker sisters and Tedaghar sisters has been announced in the state. State Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel has announced an increase in the salaries of sisters in the House. The honorarium of 51,229 Anganwadi workers has been increased by Rs 600 from Rs 7,200 and the honorarium of Tedaghar sisters has been increased by Rs 300 from Rs 3,650.

मेरिट लिस्ट - रिजल्ट चेक करेें,
Before Holi, the Gujarat government has given a big salary increase for thousands of Anganwadi workers in the state. Announcing this in the Gujarat Legislative Assembly, Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel said that the salary of Anganwadi worker sisters has been increased by Rs 600, the salary of Tedagar sisters by Rs 300 and the salary of mini Anganwadi sisters by Rs 300. This increase has been implemented with effect from March 2019.

Subject to ICD / 102013/15 / B (Part-II), Dt. From 9/11/2017 for selection of Anganwadi Candidate / Tedagar, EHRMS from worker / Tedagar service book, and standards regarding online recruitment process, honorary service, review, discipline rules. Will remain.

Aangadvadi Bharti Advertisement for the post of AWW/AWH Banaskantha

(2) First the online application is confirmed by the applicant, there will be no scope for amendment.

(3) Any discrepancy between the information filled in the application form and the details of the uploaded documents will be deemed as cancellation of the applicant's candidature. Uploaded documents must be readable.

(3) In cases where the applicant has passed the examination with more job than one attempt, the applicant shall scan and upload the marksheet of each attempt. 

Candidates who pass with more than one attempt will have to count the marks of the subject / subjects passed in that marksheet. The total marks will have to be calculated after deducting the marks of the failed subject / subjects. Then count the marks of the re-passed subject / subjects. Thus, if the total marks of 8 subjects are 200, then only the marks of the subjects passed out of 200 out of different marksheets should be considered. E.g. If there are 5 marks obtained out of total marks in which there is failure with 5 marks in one subject then the marks obtained will be counted as 500 marks. Then if there are 50 marks in that subject then the marks obtained out of the total marks will be 60.

(3) In case the grade / score is indicated in the marksheet, the marks / marks from the grade / score issued by the university / college or the certificate 

(3) This application form is for registration only. It will not be considered a claim for appointment.

How to Apply For Aangadvadi Bharti In Gujarat  letest bharti 2020

1st step Open For AAngadvadi Bharti 2020 In gujarat

Second step Then Open Recruitment Option In it.

third step then Select your Job and district

fourth step Fill up all Detail properly and submit your application



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(3) The name of the applicant shall be in English and Gujarati, and all other details shall be filled in by the applicant in English. Wishes You Best Of Luck. Please Keep visiting Our Website To Know Upcoming Latest Jobs, Admissions, Sarkari Yojana, Paripatra, Exam Results, Answer Keys, Syllabus And Many Other Gujarat Gov. Jobs & Sarkari Mahiti Updates Instantly.keep visiting yash dodiya official website.Get All update notification plz subscribe via email. Thank You.

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