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Thursday 12 March 2020

Army Recruitment Rally Dwarka 12 may to 21 may

Army Recruitment Rally Dwarka 12 may to 21 may


FROM 12 MAY 2020 TO 21 MAY 2020


(a) All candidates to log in to, check their eligibility l status and create their profile.
(b) Online Registration (submission of application) will commence from 13 March 2020 and closed on 2 6 April 2020.
(c) Candidates will login after 27 April 2020 and take printout of the admit card which they will carry to Rally Site.
(d) Participation in rally WILL NOT BE PERMITTED without the Admit Card.



Army Bharti Exam 2020 - In this app, you have been given information about all the subjects of the Indian Army. In this app, we are sharing with you how you can join the Indian Army. Which rules should you follow to join, and you How can the Indian Army prepare for the Exam and you should take into account what the rules should be taken for you to do physical preparation in the Indian Army which you can easily join May include | So let us now tell you what features are being given to you in this app which you can easily prepare for the Indian Army “ Army Bharti Exam 2020”.

subject list : -

1, physical Tips
2, Current Affairs
3, Computer
4, Chemistry
5, Physics
6, agricalchar
7, World GK
8, General knowledge
9, Sport GK
10, Quiz

A feature of the app : -
1, In this app, the Indian Army selection process has been shared with you people. With the help of the selection process, you can find out which rules you should follow in order to join the Indian Army so that you can get as soon as possible “Army Bharti Exam 2020”.

2, In this app you have also shared physical tips with people, which you can easily prepare for physical preparation to join the army. In Physical Tips, this is what you have been sharing with people how to push-up how often you want to pushup, Army Bharti Exam 2020

3, You can easily prepare Indian Army general knowledge which you can easily prepare for the coming Indian Army Examination “Army Bharti Exam 2020”.

4, Indian Army Recruitment Examination 2020 and this app are also being shared with you to update the Daily Current Affairs, which makes it easier for you to prepare for your Army Examination.

5, Indian Army Recruitment Examination 2020 Preparation of General Science can be done very easily, which you can get very much help in preparing these Army exams Army Bharti Exam 2020

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